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- Marie Currie -

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

Journal Publications
Last 10 years

Moreira CJS, Escórcio R, Bento A, Bjornson M, Herold L, Tomé AS, Martins C, Fanuel M, Martins I, Bakan B, Zipfel C, Silva Pereira C. Cutin-Derived Oligomers Induce Hallmark Plant Immune Responses. J Exp Bot. 2024. Jun 2:erae254. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erae254.


Jorge JMP, Martins C, Domingos P, Martins TM, Hartmann DO, Goldman GH, Silva Pereira C. NmrB (AN9181) expression is activated under oxidative stress conditions acting as a metabolic repressor of Aspergillus nidulans. Front Microbiol. 2024. Apr 18;15:1373469. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1373469


Piontkivska D, Jorge JMP, Neves R, Crespo P, Ramalho R, Silva Pereira C. Fungi: friends or foes-an outreach science initiative for the collection of airborne fungal spores by high school students. J Microbiol Biol Educ. 2024. May 1:e0019823. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.00198-23

Martins TM, Bento A, Martins C, Tomé AS, Moreira CJS, Silva Pereira C. Bringing up to date the toolkit for the catabolism of aromatic compounds in fungi: The unexpected 1,2,3,5-tetrahydroxybenzene central pathway. Microb Biotechnol. 2023. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.14371

Pinheiro Â, Martins I, Bento A, Escórcio R, Nunes C, Varela A, Nunes J, Afonso CAM, Silva Pereira C. Rosin from Pinus pinaster Portuguese forests shows a regular profile of resin acids. Front Plant Sci. 2023.14:1268887. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1268887

Barros L, Piontkivska D, Figueiredo-Campos P, Fanczal J, Pereira Ribeiro S, Baptista M, Ariotti S, Santos N, João Amorim M, Silva Pereira C, M., Veldhoen M, Ferreira C. CD8+ tissue-resident memory T-cell development depends on infection-matching regulatory T-cell types. Nat Commun 14, 5579 (2023).

R Escórcio, AK Sandhu, A Bento, AS Tomé, CJS Moreira, VS Brözel, C Silva Pereira. Purification of archetypal soybean root suberin mostly comprising alka(e)noic acids using an ionic liquid catalyst. Frontiers in Chemistry 2023. 11:1165234. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2023.1165234

C Martins, D  Piontkivska, D Mil-Homens, P Guedes, JMP Jorge, J Brinco, C Bárria, ACF Santos, R Barras, C Arraiano, A Fialho, GH Goldman, C Silva Pereira. Increased production of pathogenic, airborne fungal spores upon exposure of a soil mycobiota to chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon pollutants, 07 February 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square

A Pinheiro, D Piontkivska, P Sequeira, TM Martins, C Silva Pereira. Aspergillus nidulans. Trends in Microbiology. 2023. 31(2):212-213.


P Sequeira, M Rothkegel, P Domingos, I Martins, CC Leclercq, J Renaut, GH Goldman, C Silva Pereira. Untargeted Metabolomics Sheds Light on the Secondary Metabolism of Fungi Triggered by Choline-Based Ionic Liquids. Frontiers in Microbiology, Sec. Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy Vol. 13. 2022.


A Bento, R Escórcio, AS Tomé, M Robertson, EC Gaugler, SJ Malthus, LG Raymond, SJ Hill, C Silva Pereira. Pinus radiata bark sequentially processed using scCO2 and an ionic liquid catalyst yields plentiful resin acids and alkanoic acids enriched suberin. Industrial Crops and Products. 2022. Vol. 185.


R Escórcio, A Bento, AS Tomé, VG Correia, R Rodrigues, CJS Moreira, D Marion, B Bakan, C Silva Pereira. Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Producing Antimicrobial Cutin-Derived Oligomers from Tomato Pomace. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2022. 10(34) 11415-11427.

P Guedes, C Martins, N Couto, J Silva, EP Mateus, AB Ribeiro, C Silva Pereira. Irrigation of soil with reclaimed wastewater acts as a buffer of microbial taxonomic and functional biodiversity. Science of the Total Environment. 2022. 802: 149671.

S Beil, M Markiewicz, C Silva Pereira, P Stepnowski, J Thöming, S Stolte. Toward the Proactive Design of Sustainable Chemicals: Ionic Liquids as a Prime Example. Chemical Reviews. 2021. 121(21):13132-13173.

A Bento, CJS Moreira, VG Correia, R Escórcio, R Rodrigues, AS Tomé, N Geneix, J Petit, B Bakan, C Rothan, OO Mykhaylyk, C Silva Pereira. Quantification of Structure–Property Relationships for Plant Polyesters Reveals Suberin and Cutin Idiosyncrasies. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2021.


C Valero, AC Colabardini, PA De Castro, LP Silva, L Nicolas A Ries, L Pardeshi, F Wang, MC Rocha, I Malavazi, RN Silva, C Martins, P Domingos, C Silva Pereira, MJ Bromley, KH Wong, GH Goldman. Aspergillus fumigatus ZnfA, a novel zinc finger transcription factor involved in calcium metabolism and caspofungin tolerance. Frontiers In Fungal Biology. 2021.

M Marc, R Risani, E Desnoes, X Falourd, B Pontoire, R Rodrigues, R Escorcio, AP Batista, R Valentin, N Gontard, C Silva Pereira, C Lopez, E Leroy, D Lourdin, D Marion, B Bakan. Bioinspired co-polyesters of hydroxy-fatty acids extracted from tomato peel agro-wastes and glycerol with tunable mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. Industrial Crops and Products. 2021. (IF = 4.244).

BR Oliveira, AP Marques, M Ressurreição, CJS Moreira, C Silva Pereira, MT Barreto Crespo, VJ Pereira. Inactivation of Aspergillus species in real water matrices using medium pressure mercury lamps. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 2021. (IF= 0,835)

DO Hartmann, K Shimizu, M Rothkegel, M Petkovic, R Ferraz, Ž Petrovski, LC Branco, JN Canongia Lopes, C Silva Pereira. Tailoring amphotericin B as an ionic liquid: an upfront strategy to potentiate the biological activity of antifungal drugs. RSC Advances. 2021. (IF=3.07)

TM Martins, C Martins, P Guedes, C Silva Pereira. Twists and Turns in the Salicylate Catabolism of Aspergillus terreus, Revealing New Roles of the 3-Hydroxyanthranilate Pathway. mSystems. 2021. (IF=6.633)

P Guedes, J Dionísio, N Couto, EP Mateus, C Silva Pereira, AB Ribeiro. Electro-bioremediation of a mixture of structurally different contaminants of emerging concern: Uncovering electrokinetic contribution. J. Hazard. Mater. 2021. (IF=9.038)

TF dos Reis, MAC Horta, AC Colabardini, CM Fernandes, LP Silva, R Bastos, MVL Fonseca, F Wang, C Martins, M Rodrigues, C Silva Pereira, M Del Poeta, KH Wong, GH Goldman

Screening of chemical libraries for new antifungal drugs against Aspergillus fumigatus reveals the potential mechanism of action of miltefosine. bioRxiv. 2021.

F Sklenßř, Ž Jurjević, J Houbraken, M KolařÝk, MC Arendrup, KM Jørgensen, JPZ Siqueira, J Gené, T Yaguchi, CN Ezekiel, C Silva Pereira, V Hubka. Re-examination of species limits in Aspergillus section Flavipedes using advanced species delimitation methods and description of four new species. Studies in mycology, 2021.

R Rodrigues, S Palma, VG Correia, I Padrão, J Pais, M Banza, C Alves, J Deuermeier, C Martins, HMA Costa, E Ramou, C Silva Pereira, ACA Roque. Sustainable plant polyesters as substrates for optical gas sensors. Materials Today Bio. 2020.


C Martins, DO Hartmann, A Varela, JAS Coelho, P Lamosa, CAM Afonso, C Silva Pereira. ​Securing a furan-based biorefinery: disclosing the genetic basis of the degradation of hydroxymethylfurfural and its derivatives in the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Microb Biotechnol. 2020. (IF=5.328)

CJ Moreira , A Bento, J Pais, J Petit, R Escórcio, V Correia, Â Pinheiro, ŁP Haliński, OO Mykhaylyk, C Rothan, C Silva Pereira. An ionic liquid extraction that preserves the molecular structure of cutin shown by nuclear magnetic resonance. Plant Physiol. 2020. (IF=6.420).

VG Correia, A.Bento, J Pais, R Rodrigues, ŁP Haliński, M Frydrych, A Greenhalgh P Stepnowski, F Vollrath, AWT King, C Silva Pereira. The molecular structure and multifunctionality of the cryptic plant polymer suberin. Materials Today Bio. 2020.


P Guedes, V Lopes, N Couto, EP Mateus, C Silva Pereira, AB Ribeiro. Electrokinetic remediation of contaminants of emergent concern in clay soil: Effect of operating parameters. Environ Pollut. 2019. (IF=6.792).

E Bermúdez-García, C Peña-Montes, I Martins, J Pais, C Silva Pereira, S Sánchez, A Farrés. Regulation of the cutinases expressed by Aspergillus nidulans and evaluation of their role in cutin degradation. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019. (IF=3.530).

DO Hartmann, D Piontkivska, CJS Moreira, C Silva Pereira. Ionic Liquids Chemical Stress Triggers Sphingoid Base Accumulation in Aspergillus nidulans. Front Microbiol. 2019.  (IF=4.235).


TM Martins, C Martins, C Silva Pereira. Multiple degrees of separation in the central pathways of the catabolism of aromatic compounds in fungi belonging to the Dikarya sub-Kingdom. Adv Microb Physiol. 2019. (IF=2.78).

C Martins, A Varela, CC Leclercq, O Núñez, T Větrovský, J Renaut, P Baldrian, C Silva Pereira. Specialisation events of fungal metacommunities exposed to a persistent organic pollutant are suggestive of augmented pathogenic potential. Microbiome. 2018. (IF=10.465).

C Martins, C Silva Pereira, NV Plechkova, KR Seddon, J Wang, S Whitfield, et al. Mycobiota of silk-faced ancient Mogao Grottoes manuscripts belonging to the Stein collection in the British library. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2018. 134: 1-6. 

C Almeida, C Silva Pereira, V Gonzalez-Menendez, G Bills, J Pascual, M Sánchez-Hidalgo, S Kehraus, O Genilloud. Unveiling concealed functions of endosymbiotic bacteria harboured in the Ascomycota Stachylidium bicolor. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2018. pii: AEM.00660-18. (IF=3.63).

KM Fisch, C Silva Pereira, O Genilloud, C Almeida, TF Schäberle. Draft Genome Sequence of Burkholderia contaminans 293K04B, an Endosymbiont of the Sponge-Derived Fungus Stachylidium bicolor. Genome Announc. 2017. (IF=0.99).


I Martins, A Varela, L Frija, M Estevão, S Planchon, J Renaut, CAM Afonso, C Silva Pereira. Proteomic Insights on the Metabolism of Penicillium janczewskii during the Biotransformation of the Plant Terpenoid Labdanolic Acid. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2017. (IF=3.02).


A Varela*, C Martins*, C Silva Pereira. A three-act play: pentachlorophenol threats to the cork oak forest soils mycobiome. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 2017. (IF=6.76). *equally contributing authors.

PC Alves*, DO Hartmann*, O Núñez, I Martins, TL Gomes, H Garcia, MT Galceran, Richard Hampson, JD Becker, C Silva Pereira. Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of ionic liquid stimuli unveils enhanced secondary metabolism in Aspergillus nidulans. BMC Genomics. 2016. (IF=3.986). *equally contributing authors.


DO Hartmann, M Petkovic, C Silva Pereira. Ionic Liquids as Unforeseen Assets to Fight Life-Threatening Mycotic Diseases. Front Microbiology.  2016. (IF= 3.989).

DO Hartmann, K Shimizu, F Siopa, MC Leitão, CAM Afonso, JNC Canongia Lopes and C Silva Pereira. Plasma membrane permeabilisation by ionic liquids: a matter of charge. Green Chemistry, 2015. (IF=8.02).


A Varela*, C Martins*, O Núñez, I Martins, JAMP Houbraken, TM Martins, MC Leitão, I McLellan, W Vetter, MT Galceran, RA Samson, A Hursthouse, and C Silva Pereira. Understanding fungal functional biodiversity during the mitigation of environmentally dispersed pentachlorophenol in cork oak forest soils. Environmental Microbiology. 2015. (IF=6.240). *equally contributing authors.


TM Martins, DO Hartmann, S Planchon, I Martins, J Renaut, C Silva Pereira. The old 3-oxoadipate pathway revisited: New insights in the catabolism of aromatics in the saprophytic fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 2015. (IF=3.262).

I Martins, DO Hartmann, PC Alves, C Martins, H Garcia, CC Leclercq, R Ferreira, J He, J Renaut, JD Becker, C Silva Pereira. Elucidating how the saprophytic fungus Aspergillus nidulans uses the plant polyester suberin as carbon source. BMC Genomics. 2014. (IF=4.400).


H Garcia*, R Ferreira*, C Martins, AF Sousa, CSR Freire, AJD Silvestre, W Kunz, LPN Rebelo and C Silva Pereira. Ex-situ reconstitution of the plant biopolyester suberin as a film. Biomacromolecules. 2014. (IF=5.371). *equally contributing authors.


I McLellan, A Hursthouse, C Morrison, A Varela, C Silva Pereira. Development of a robust chromatographic method for the detection of chlorophenols in cork oak forest soils. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2014. (IF=1.592).


TM Martins, O Núñez, H Gallart Ayalla, MC Leitão, MT Galceran and C Silva Pereira. New branches in the degradation pathway of monochlorocatechols by Aspergillus nidulans: a metabolomics analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014. (IF=3.925).


I Martins, H Garcia, A Varela, MC Leitão, S Planchon, J Renaut, MC Leitão, LPN Rebelo and C Silva Pereira. Investigating Aspergillus nidulans secretome during colonisation of cork cell walls. Journal of Proteomic. 2014. (IF=4.088).


R Ferreira, H Garcia, AF Sousa, M Guerreiro, FJS Duarte, CSR Freire, MJ Calhorda, AJD Silvestre, W Kunz, LPN Rebelo and C Silva Pereira. Unveiling the dual role of the cholinium hexanoate ionic liquid as solvent and catalyst in suberin depolymerisation.

RSC Advances. 2014. (IF=2.562).!divAbstract


LC Tomé, DJS Patinha, R Ferreira, H Garcia, C Silva Pereira, CSR Freire, LPN Rebelo, IM Marrucho. Cholinium-based supported ionic liquid membranes: a sustainable route for CO2 separation. ChemSusChem. 2014. (IF=7.475).

I Martins, DO Hartmann, PC Alves, S Planchon, J Renaut, MC Leitão, LPN Rebelo and C Silva Pereira. Proteomic alterations induced by ionic liquids in Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa. Journal of Proteomics. 2013. (IF=4.088).


R Ferreira, H Garcia, AF Sousa, C Freire, AJD Silvestre, W Kunz, LPN Rebelo and C Silva Pereira. Microwave Assisted Extraction of betulin from birch outer bark. RSC Advances. 2013. (Partial IF=2.562).!divAbstract

CM Visagie, J Houbraken, C Rodrigues, C Silva Pereira, J Dijksterhuis, KA Seifert, K Jacobs, RA Samson. Five new Penicillium species in section Sclerotiora: a tribute to the Royal Dutch family. Persoonia. 2013. (IF=4.136).


Media coverage of this work:

Scientists announce top 10 new species for 2014, May 22, 2014:

Top 10 New Species of 2014. Orange Penicillium: A New Fungus Among Us, May 22, 2014:

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