Piece in the newspaper Público, January 14, 2024
ERC PoC Grant for Cristina Silva Pereira
Noite Europeia dos Investigadores, September 24, 2021
Debate Cogito - “Futuro Verde: qual a nossa parte?”
Speakers: Cristina Silva Pereira (ITQB NOVA), Paula Duque (IGC), Pedro Simões (Novo
Verde). Moderator: Rui Neto Pereira
Projection of www.plantphysiol.org/content/early/2020/08/11/pp.20.01049:
Piece in the newspaper Plataforma Media "Portugueses procuram alternativa sustentável ao plástico", Filomena Naves, September 3, 2020
Piece in the newspaper Diário de Notícias, September 3, 2020
2020: https://cienciacomimpacto.pt/pt/media/noticias/plastico-natural-biodegradavel
Prof. C Silva Pereira in Mulheres na Ciência, 2.ª Edição, March 8, 2019
3º Episódio do PCR, à conversa com a investigadora Cristina Silva Pereira, líder do grupo de Applied and Environmental Mycology no ITQB NOVA, June 1, 2019
Piece in the newspaper "Público" and TVI24, November 27, 2018
Piece in the newspaper "Observador", February 6, 2015
"Para evitar fungos nas feridas use um penso natural"
Highlight in "ACS News Service Weekly PressPac", April 16, 2014
"A greener source of polyester — cork trees"
Highlight in "Science Daily - Featured Research", April 16, 2014
"A greener source of polyester: Cork trees"
Piece in the newspaper "Público", April 7, 2014
"E se o sobreiro ajudasse a tratar as feridas ao matar bactérias?"